The drive for continuous improvement by the company management has always been at the basis of our evolution over time.
Since its very beginning, Petroltecnica has voluntarily adhered to the Certification Systems for Quality (UNI EN ISO 9001) and the Environment (UNI EN ISO 14001) and Health and Safety (UNI ISO 45001), developing the culture of customer satisfaction internally, in constant compliance with international regulatory compliance.

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015  Download

UNI EN ISO 14001:2015  Download

UNI ISO 45001:2018  Download

SOA (Download)

OG 1 Class III
OG 3 Class II
OG 6 Class III
OG 9 Class V
OG 12 Class VI
OS 23 Class III-bis

O.I.M.S. Exxonmobil

Registration on the Environmental Manager List

Category 2BIS – Initial producers of non-hazardous waste who carry out collection and transport operations of their own waste (DM 3/6/2014 Article 8 C.1, Letter B) Downolad

Category 4E – Collection and transport of special non-hazardous waste Downolad

Category 5E – Collection and transport of hazardous waste Downoload

Category 8B – Brokerage and trade of waste without holding the waste Downoload

Category 9A – Reclamation of sites Downoload

Category 10B – D – Remediation of assets containing asbestosDownload

Waste Management Documentation

A.I.A. plant of Ostellato (FE) (.zip) Downolad + part 2 (.zip) Download

A.I.A. plant of Gela (CL) (.pdf) Download

HSEQ Policy

GDPR information paper to suppliers Download

GDPR information paper to customers Download

Privacy information paper for Temporary Grouping of Companies Download

Petroltecnica S.p.A. has adopted the Organisation, Management and Control Model per the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 231/2001. The Model includes the Code of Ethics prepared to make known and share the principles and values that the Company recognises as its own in the performance of its business.

Form for the exercise of rights Download



We provide world-class solutions in infrastructural diagnostics, remediation of contaminated sites and environmental emergency response. We mainly target the Oil & Gas, chemical and manufacturing sectors

Our values
Innovation | Empathy | Operational Excellence | Security | Teamwork

Waste treatment platforms
Patented technologies
Years of experience
Average tons of land reclaimed/year
Average litres of oil recovered/year

Our method

We aim to provide innovative solutions for the Environment and Safety with a multidisciplinary approach to develop customised functional paths for companies and public bodies. The company structure in Operating Units with highly specialised personnel allows us to offer a complete service that covers every aspect of environmental issues, from the Environmental Emergency Response to the recovery and disposal of waste, passing through the various remediation technologies