Adriano Olivetti

Petroltecnica celebrated the figure of the visionary entrepreneur Adriano Olivetti in June 2010, 50 years after his death. Born on 11 April 1901, in Ivrea,

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Art company

At the end of the 2010s, it seemed a positive and trusting sign to organise periodic art exhibitions in the company: painting, sculpture, photography, video,

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This has been active since 2003 and is made up of employees from different sectors and levels. It is committed to social issues both locally and on an international scale. The Pool welcomes communications, requests and proposals for collaboration on projects concerning the guidelines of the Environment, Solidarity, Culture, Peace and Civil Protection and evaluates in absolute autonomy which ones to support. In the following years, to stimulate the direct involvement of employees, the company included also the travel of employees and collaborators in the costs of the projects, who choose to invest their free time in voluntary work on the activities supported by the Pool.

Our values
Innovation | Empathy | Operational Excellence | Security | Teamwork

Waste treatment platforms
Patented technologies
Years of experience
Average tons of land reclaimed/year
Average litres of oil recovered/year

Our method

We aim to provide innovative solutions for the Environment and Safety with a multidisciplinary approach to develop customised functional paths for companies and public bodies. The company structure in Operating Units with highly specialised personnel allows us to offer a complete service that covers every aspect of environmental issues, from the Environmental Emergency Response to the recovery and disposal of waste, passing through the various remediation technologies